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  • 企業文化(圖1)

    The values of Jinlong people: honesty/honesty/honesty

    The principle of good faith is the foundation of all our actions. Only by pursuing integrity at all levels of business operations can people gain trust. Words must be deeds, deeds must be resolute, we rely on integrity to build our brand:
    Acting with honesty and integrity Always demand yourself with the highest standards of honesty and integrity; seek truth from facts, only make promises to things that can be fulfilled; make promises and keep your promises.

  • 企業文化(圖2)  

    Company culture

    Company vision: Forge ahead, pursue excellence, serve the society, and benefit the people.
    Company Spirit: Loyalty, Justice, Responsibility, Embodying
    Enterprise Spirit: Every year and every day, we must make progress.
    Core concept: Repay employees with sincerity and contribute to the society sincerely.
    Enterprise goal: innovation and excellence, bigger and stronger.
    Golden Dragon style: strict, meticulous, practical and effective.
    Employing concept: Everyone is talented, eclectic
    Management concept: Let every employee enter the best working condition.
    Service concept: The needs of customers are the direction we strive for, and the satisfaction of customers is our pursuit.

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